WordPress cheat sheet
2010-01-16 @ 14:57It was written for WordPress 2.8.2 but will probably work with future versions as well. Still under construction but so far so good right…
- comments template
- comments open
- comment link
- check comment
- comment text rss
- comment author rss
- clean comment cache
- get approved comments
- get lastcommentmodified
- get comments popup template
- get comments
- get comment link
- get comment author rss
- get comment
- get search comments feed link
- get post comments feed link
- is comment popup
- comments open
- post comment feed link
- next comments link
- paginate comments links
- previous comments link
- sanitize comment cookies
- trackback url list
- wp allow comment
- wp delete comment
- wp filter comment
- wp get comment status
- wp get current commenter
- wp insert comment
- wp new comment
- wp set commentstatus
- wp throttle comment flood
- wp update comment
- wp update comment count
- clean post cache
- add post meta
- delete post meta
- transition post status
- format to post
- get lastpostmodified
- get lastpostdate
- get usernumposts
- get post type
- get post status
- get post mime type
- get post meta
- get post custom values
- get post custom keys
- get post custom
- get single template
- is single
- get enclosed
- update post meta
- wp get single post
- wp get recent posts
- get posts
- wp update post
- wp publish post
- wp insert post
- query posts
- get all page ids
- get page template
- get page hierarchy
- get page children
- get pages
- get paged template
- is front page
- is page
- is page template
- is paged
- get children
- page uri index
- get all page ids
- get all category ids
- get category template
- get cat ID
- cat is ancestor
- get category parents
- get category link
- get category feed link
- get category by slug
- get category by path
- get category
- get categories
- get the category rss
- is category
- in category
- wp insert category
- wp create category
- wp set post categories
- wp get post categories
- the category rss
- balanceTags
- force balance tags
- get the tags
- get the tag list
- get tags
- get tag link
- get tag
- is tag
- has tag
- delete usermeta
- get currentuserinfo
- get usermeta
- get userdatabylogin
- get userdata
- get user option
- is user logged in
- get author feed link
- get author template
- get the author
- is author
- get profile
- auth redirect
- set current user
- user pass ok
- username exists
- validate username
- wp set current user
- update usermeta
- wp create user
- wp delete user
- wp insert user
- wp update user
- wp signon
- do feed rss2
- do feed rss
- do feed rdf
- do feed atom
- do feed
- fetch feed
- is feed
- bloginfo rss
- get bloginfo rss
- get the title rss
- permalink single rss
- rss enclosure
- the title rss
- the content rss
- the excerpt rss
Pings / Pingbacks / Trackbacks
- add ping
- do all pings
- discover pingback server uri
- generic ping
- get to ping
- pings open
- get pung
- do trackbacks
- is trackback
- trackback
- pingback
- privacy ping filter
- weblog ping
Theme / Template
- get themes
- get theme root uri
- get theme root
- get theme mod
- get theme data
- get theme
- get template directory
- get attachment template
- get active template
- get 404 template
- get home template
- get date template
- get template directory uri
- get template directory
- get template
- validate current theme
- switch theme
- set theme mod
- preview theme ob filter callback
- preview theme ob filter
- preview theme
- load template
- cache javascript headers
- add custom image header
- get header textcolor
- get header image
- get header
- header image
- get locale stylesheet uri
- get stylesheet directory
- get stylesheet
- get stylesheet uri
- get stylesheet directory uri
- check ajax referer
- locale stylesheet
Date / Time
- date il8n
- current time
- get calendar
- get month link
- get gmt from date
- get day link
- get date from gmt
- get year link
- get weekstartend
- human time diff
- get the time
- is new day
- is time
- is day
- is month
- is year
- is date
- iso8601 timezone to offset
- iso8601 to datetime
- mysql2date
Convert, sanitize, filter & formatting
- ent2ncr
- attribute escape
- clean url
- backslashit
- addslashes gpc
- add magic quotes
- convert smilies
- convert chars
- htmlentities2
- format to edit
- wp trip excerpt
- js escape
- make clickable
- popuplinks
- remove accents
- sanitize email
- sanitize file name
- sanitize user
- sanitize title
- sanitize title with dashes
- seems utf8
- stripslashes deep
- trailingslashit
- untrailingslashit
- utf8 uri encode
- wpautop
- wptexturize
- wp filter kses
- wp filter post kses
- wp filter nohtml kses
- wp iso descrambler
- wp_kses
- wp kses array lc
- wp kses attr
- wp_kses_bad_protocol
- wp kses bad protocol once
- wp kses bad protocol_once2
- wp kses check attr val
- wp kses decode entities
- wp kses hair
- wp kses hook
- wp kses html error
- wp kses js entities
- wp kses no null
- wp kses normalize entities
- wp kses normalize entities2
- wp kses split
- wp kses split2
- wp kses stripslashes
- wp kses version
- wp make link relative
- wp rel nofollow
- wp richedit pre
- wp specialchars
- zeroise
Cron / Schedule
- spawn_cron
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook
- wp cron
- wp get schedule
- wp get schedules
- wp next scheduled
- wp reschedule event
- wp schedule event
- wp schedule single event
- wp unschedule event
Localization / Translation
Taxonomy / Term
- get the term list
- get terms
- get term children
- get term by
- get term
- is term
- is taxonomy
- is taxonomy hierachical
- wp update term
- wp get object terms
- register taxonomy
- is attachment
- is local attachment
- get attached file
- wp update attachment metadata
- wp get attachment url
- wp get attachment thumb url
- wp get attachment thumb file
- wp get attachment metadata
- wp get attachment image src
- wp get attachment image
- wp delete attachment
- wp insert attachment
- wp attachment is image
- update attached file
Uncategorized conditional tags
- do robots
- __ngettext
- bool from yn
- do enclose
- funky javascript fix
- file is displayable image
- get footer
- get extended
- wp mime type icon
- wp check for changed slugs
- register setting
- make url footnote
- nocache headers
- remove query arg
- status header
- wp
- wp check filetype
- wp clearcookie
- wp create nonce
- wp die
- wp explain nonce
- wp get cookie login
- wp get http headers
- wp get original referer
- wp get referer
- wp hash
- wp mail
- wp mkdir p
- wp new user notification
- wp nonce ays
- wp nonce field
- wp nonce url
- wp notify moderator
- wp notify postauthor
- wp original referer field
- wp redirect
- wp referer field
- wp remote fopen
- wp salt
- wp setcookie
- wp upload bits
- wp upload dir
- wp verify nonce
- get bloginfo
2010-05-12 @ 11:19 f m
WordPress Help Sheet Wallpaper:
2010-11-29 @ 7:07 e m
Here is another WordPress Reference Guide that contains lots of tags for customizing your WordPress Site. Check out the DBS>Interactive WordPress Reference Guide for an easy to use guide that will help you expedite the process of coding.