Recent posts

WordPress SEO Content Helper

2013-05-28 @ 09:03

Want to rank higher in the search engines when writing your content? Then the WordPress plugin called SEO Content Helper might be for you. Support the plugin by spreading it (linking to the home page). Keywords First you add the keywords you need. Primary keywords are for ranking. Secondary are just if you want to see […]


7 sins about WordPress

2011-03-06 @ 13:06

I’ve been using WordPress almost every day since 2007 and here are my biggest kvetch. You might be a programmer to understand everything. Everything is a post? When using WordPress functions we can sometimes call ”post” to get the page. No, this is not a bug. WordPress refer to the ”post type”. There are posts, […]

  • Gale Jasin
    2011-03-18 @ 18:33

    I love looking at and I believe this website got some genuinely utilitarian stuff on it! .


Information will be added soon.

  • Daniel
    2011-06-02 @ 21:56


    seems like this to me:

    $content = 'Link';
    //create some arbitrary HTML for the example

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    //creates special DOM object

    //generates the DOM for the document $content

    $xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
    //creates [...]

  • Sharecash Bypass
    2011-04-14 @ 18:00

    Would love it if someone would further explain this to me?

  • bernd schimanski
    2010-12-23 @ 04:48

    Danke für das tolle Plugin. Eine wundervolle Idee.
    Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin kreative Ideen und maximale Erfolge, bei allem, was Du anpackst.

HTML5 Resources

2010-07-20 @ 18:19

HTML5 is the new HTML standard. Here comes resources for HTML5. It’s ment to grow.


PHP Resources

2010-07-19 @ 20:13

A list with PHP functions to save time or save the day.

  • supply Replica Dior
    2011-04-09 @ 04:00

    I'm sure looking to find one way to establish FEED nourishes because of an array of sites all around diverse web sites, with the intention that We can undertake a [...]


CSS3 Tricks Resources

2010-07-19 @ 18:21

CSS3 creates new possibilities. Here is a list of great CSS3 articles.

  • altado
    2011-02-28 @ 13:57

    Thanks for This CSS3 Featurelist...

    regards mark

CSS2 Tricks Resources

2010-07-19 @ 18:13

This list of CSS resources will be updated when new great CSS tricks are found.


Submit your WP site

2010-07-19 @ 09:53

Here is a list of resources where you can submit your Wordpress site. Are you missing a good site? Write a comment. I will update this post frequently.

  • ncie
    2011-10-03 @ 13:41

    thanks brother its useful for wp blogger

  • admin
    2010-07-20 @ 18:14

    Thank you for having a nice site!

  • wparena
    2010-07-19 @ 21:04

    Thank you very much for sharing my blog :)


My personal favourite Wordpress plugins. What’s yours?

  • mohammad
    2011-10-03 @ 13:49

    really nice plugin. you all post are done! i bookmark your site. thanks a lot man

Best WordPress hacks

2010-07-18 @ 19:28

A list of Wordpress resources and hacks picked from my bookmarks. Enjoy!
